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Armed with a deep understanding of the user base, I defined the problem at hand, articulating the challenges faced by fans in the existing album pre-order process, and highlighting issues such as limited access to exclusive content, cumbersome payment procedures, and a lack of personalization. This will include the problem statement and the value proposition.

Jaya Frankie is a professional, single woman who needs a way to keep abreast of the newest Dollyrots music because she wants to be able to listen to it as soon as it comes out and be able to buy the exclusive preorder merchandise.

Reynaldo Alvarez is a systems engineer and family man who needs to know when the newest Dollyrots album comes out because he wants to be able to enjoy it and share it with his family and colleagues.

Our album preorder app will allow users to preorder the album, get updates about it, as well as access exclusive merchandise related to the new album, and keep in touch with other fans, which will affect both the band – The Dollyrots – as well as their fans by bringing fans closer to both the band and the fans and allowing the band to provide the newest album as soon as possible.

We will measure effectiveness by preorders done via the app.

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